Starting or managing a food business in Singapore is not an easy feat, to be able to run it successfully over a long period, it will require more than just money and basic planning. Other aspects of the F&B Business will also have to be given similar attention.
Aspects like products (food & beverage recipes/menu), service (customer service and management), concept (the general idea), marketing strategies (selling point) and management (Staff, Training & SOPs). All of which are required to be in sync as part of the larger image of your brand, and which are also parts and parcels of the everyday business of a F&B business model.
It is crucial for anyone in this business to know and keep up with the market and the industry of which there is an intention to go into or are already into, especially with the ever changing market demands and sentiments. It is also important for one to keep an open mind to their business and the feedbacks received. Only then, will you be able to see the need for change or for the improvements for your F&B Business.
If you have not yet considered any of these aspects, have not much time for them, have little to no experience or are at a loss of what to do next, we highly recommend that you seek an opinion or advice from F&B Consultants like us, who are capable of putting everything together for you.
Food Consultant Singapore
We provide services as Chef/Marketing Consultants for the F&B Industry and our core services includes:
Food & Menu Development
Kitchen and Service Advisory
Marketing Development
Do click on the above to find out more of what we can offer. At the same time, our services are not fixed to its field of scope but also allows for a total mix and match to suit your food & beverage business needs, and all of which will be in sync with every objectives.
Besides just providing our clients a consultation service, we will also offer them a Complimentary After-Service Support Package which includes:
An online support for any questions/opinions in relations to your Food and Beverage Business.
We will also help keep track of your business and provide advice where necessary.
3 months free premium hiring advertorial on Chef Clicks.
Promotional Discounts or Codes for any Subsequent F&B Business Related Projects by Ask Mays.
If you are unsure about what kind of food and beverage consultations we can provide for you, you can email us at mayscuisine@gmail.com and we can arrange a meet-up to discuss further.